If you were alone on a deserted Island..

"If you were alone on a deserted Island with a pig, would you eat the pig or starve?"

"Hmm. If you were not alone, living on a planet with 7 billion people, had access to unlimited fresh fruit, vegetable, nuts, beans and other healthy foods, and knew animals suffer and die horrible deaths so you could eat them when you don't need to eat them to survive. Would you continue to eat them?
The difference between our questions is that your scenario will never happen and mine is the choice you face right now. Which do you believe is worth answering?"

- Andrew Kirschner
This is one of our threads in our forum that we posted lately, do you want to read and take part in those make sure to join our group on habbo "Go Vegan!" and check the forum! And take the discussions to a new level! 
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